Published on in Vol 9 (2024)

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Assessing the Accuracy of Smartwatch-Based Estimation of Maximum Oxygen Uptake Using the Apple Watch Series 7: Validation Study

Assessing the Accuracy of Smartwatch-Based Estimation of Maximum Oxygen Uptake Using the Apple Watch Series 7: Validation Study

Assessing the Accuracy of Smartwatch-Based Estimation of Maximum Oxygen Uptake Using the Apple Watch Series 7: Validation Study

Polona Caserman   1 , Dr-Ing ;   Sungsoo Yum   1 , BSc ;   Stefan Göbel   1 , PD, Dr-Ing ;   Andreas Reif   2 , Prof Dr ;   Silke Matura   2 , PD, Dr

1 Serious Games Research Group, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

2 Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Goethe University Frankfurt, University Hospital, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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