Immersive Virtual Reality in Health Care: Systematic Review of Technology and Disease States
JMIR Biomed Eng 2019;4(1):e15025
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| 13859 | 86 | 57 | |
Perspectives of Orthopedic Surgeons on the Clinical Use of Bioprinted Cartilage: Qualitative Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2019;4(1):e12148
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| 2291 | 33 | 4 | |
Heart Rate Monitoring Apps: Information for Engineers and Researchers About the New European Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745
JMIR Biomed Eng 2017;2(1):e2
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| 4077 | 23 | 12 | |
Effectiveness of the BreatheSuite Device in Assessing the Technique of Metered-Dose Inhalers: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(4):e26556
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| 1308 | 19 | 2 | |
The Classification of Abnormal Hand Movement to Aid in Autism Detection: Machine Learning Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2022;7(1):e33771
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| 1353 | 13 | 21 | |
Measurement of Skin Induration Size Using Smartphone Images and Photogrammetric Reconstruction: Pilot Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2017;2(1):e3
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| 9593 | 13 | 11 | |
Motivations and Key Features for a Wearable Device for Continuous Monitoring of Breathing: A Web-Based Survey
JMIR Biomed Eng 2017;2(1):e1
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| 2767 | 12 | 15 | |
Virtual Reality–Guided Meditation for Chronic Pain in Patients With Cancer: Exploratory Analysis of Electroencephalograph Activity
JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(2):e26332
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| 2448 | 11 | 6 | |
A Radar-Based Opioid Overdose Detection Device for Public Restrooms: Design, Development, and Evaluation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8(1):e51754
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| 326 | 11 | 0 | |
An Algorithm to Classify Real-World Ambulatory Status From a Wearable Device Using Multimodal and Demographically Diverse Data: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8(1):e43726
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| 1233 | 10 | 6 | |
The Impact of Aging and Hand Dominance on the Passive Wrist Stiffness of Squash Players: Pilot Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2019;4(1):e11670
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| 1065 | 8 | 1 | |
Assessing the Accuracy of Smartwatch-Based Estimation of Maximum Oxygen Uptake Using the Apple Watch Series 7: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2024;9(1):e59459
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| 983 | 8 | 0 | |
A Wearable Vibratory Device (The Emma Watch) to Address Action Tremor in Parkinson Disease: Pilot Feasibility Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8(1):e40433
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| 792 | 7 | 1 | |
Innovation in Pediatric Medical Devices: Proceedings From The West Coast Consortium for Technology & Innovation in Pediatrics 2019 Annual Stakeholder Summit
JMIR Biomed Eng 2020;5(1):e17467
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| 1852 | 7 | 8 | |
High-Dimensional Analysis of Finger Motion and Screening of Cervical Myelopathy With a Noncontact Sensor: Diagnostic Case-Control Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2022;7(2):e41327
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| 293 | 7 | 2 | |
Smartphone-Based Passive Sensing for Behavioral and Physical Monitoring in Free-Life Conditions: Technical Usability Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(2):e15417
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| 884 | 7 | 4 | |
Point-of-Care Quantification of Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein for Screening Birth Defects in Resource-Limited Settings: Proof-of-Concept Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(1):e23527
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| 1115 | 7 | 2 | |
Determining the Accuracy of Oculus Touch Controllers for Motor Rehabilitation Applications Using Quantifiable Upper Limb Kinematics: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2019;4(1):e12291
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| 4043 | 7 | 19 | |
Severity Classification Using Dynamic Time Warping–Based Voice Biomarkers for Patients With COVID-19: Feasibility Cross-Sectional Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8(1):e50924
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| 154 | 6 | 2 | |
Measuring Heart Rate Variability in Free-Living Conditions Using Consumer-Grade Photoplethysmography: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2020;5(1):e17355
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| 3118 | 6 | 15 | |
Assessment of Skin Maturity by LED Light at Birth and Its Association With Lung Maturity: Clinical Trial Secondary Outcomes
JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8(1):e52468
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| 101 | 6 | 0 | |
A Contact-Free, Ballistocardiography-Based Monitoring System (Emfit QS) for Measuring Nocturnal Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability: Validation Study
JMIR Biomed Eng 2020;5(1):e16620
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| 3461 | 6 | 13 | |
Reducing Treatment Burden Among People With Chronic Conditions Using Machine Learning: Viewpoint
JMIR Biomed Eng 2022;7(1):e29499
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| 569 | 5 | 1 | |
Detection of Mental Fatigue in the General Population: Feasibility Study of Keystroke Dynamics as a Real-world Biomarker
JMIR Biomed Eng 2022;7(2):e41003
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| 524 | 5 | 7 | |
Tracking the Presence of Software as a Medical Device in US Food and Drug Administration Databases: Retrospective Data Analysis
JMIR Biomed Eng 2021;6(4):e20652
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| 801 | 5 | 2 | |